1. BAPS Care InternationalContact: Shailendra Adroja; 1-732-744-1744 Checks payable to: BAPS Care International Address: 195, Main Street, Suite # 304MetuchenNew Jersey-08840 Payments can also be made online (beginning later this afternoon, EST) at 2. Association for India's Development:Contact: Aniruddha Vaidya, 1-650-996-8249, 1-888-TALK-2-AID or (301) 422-4441email: info@aidindia.org Contributions to AID can be made through secure on-line credit-card deductions from AID's website (www.aidindia.org), where further details and updates will also be posted. Please indicate that your contribution is for the "Relief and Rehabilitation Fund". Checks payable to "AID" can be mailed to: AID Zone 3,P.O. Box 4801Mountain View, CA 94040-0801 (Please indicate "Relief and Rehabilitation Fund" in the check memo) 3. The National Federation of India Organizations Contact: Rajen Anand (703) 642-3156, (562) 537-1077 Checks (tax-deductible) will be sent to the International Red Cross for the use of ALL victims in all countries. Checks payable to: NFIA Address: 6912 Winter Lane, Annandale VA 22003. 4. The Hindu Temple Society of North America Contact: Dr Uma Mysorekar (718) 460-8484 Checks (tax deductible) payable to: The Hindu Temple Society of North America Address:Hindu Temple Society of North America45-57 Bowne StreetFlushingNY-11355 5. American Hindu Association, a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3), has set up a fund to raise money for the victims from India and Sri Lanka. The full amount of contribution is tax deductible. Please make the check payable to, American Hindu Association. In the memo, please mention Tidal waves victims. Address:American Hindu AssociationTidal waves victimsP.O.Box 55405Madison WI 53705 Contributions to AHA can be made through secure on-line credit-card deductions from AHA's website (www.americanhindu.net/donation), where further details and updates will also be posted. 6. India Development & Relief Fund (IDRF), USA IDRF has already released $10,000 towards immediate relief efforts and will match dollar-to-dollar your donations up to $50,000. It will channel your generous contributions to Sewa Bharati (Panchvati, Chetpet, Chennai), Jana Sankshema Samiti (Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh), Vivekanand Kendra and other voluntary NGOs providing relief and rehabilitation to affected families including: · Medical services · Distribution of fishing nets, assistance for purchasing and repairing fibre boats · Repair of diesel engines and supply fuel · Distribution of textbooks, notebooks and uniforms to students. · Construction of houses, repair and construction of community infrastructure Please make check payable to "IDRF" (mention "Tsunami" in the memo) and mail it to: IDRF, 4807 Phebe Ave, Fremont, CA 94555 Contact: * Suresh Deopura (510) 573-5100, suresh@dewsoftware.com * Shri Narayan Chandak (309)- 662-8353, Idrf_blg@yahoo.com * Raghu Verabelli 781-270-2349, idrfboston@yahoo.com * Vijay Pallod (281) 568-4995, pallod@aol.com Or email idrf@aol.com Donate on-line through your VISA/MasterCard or Direct Debit from checking account. IDRF is administered by volunteers without any honorarium or overhead. Thus, 100% of your contribution will be disbursed directly to the NGOs working in the field. Please check out our website http://www.idrf.org/ for latest information. 7. Sewa International, in association with local organisations, is planning to work for the rehabilitation of families affected by the tsunami waves in India by providing them: Please send your donations to: a. Sewa Bharathi Tamil Nadu Shakti, 1, M V Street, Panchvati, Chetpet, Chennai- 600031, Tamil Nadu Ph: 044-28361049, 28360243 E-mail: sevabharthitn@yahoo.com b. Jana Sankshema Samiti Madhava Sadhan, Kaleshwara Rao Road, Vijaywada- 520002, Andhra Pradesh All donations from outside India should be sent to: Sewa International Apte Bhavan, 10196, D. B. Gupta Road, Jhandewala, New Delhi- 110055, India Ph: 91-11-23517373, 23684445, E-mail: sewain@vsnl.com Bank Account No: 21290, State Bank of India, Jhandewala Extn., New Delhi-110055 Branch Code No: 9371